vote for city council district 5

Kenneth Bowen's JR My Vision

District Wide Public Safety:

My vision for district wide public safety is making sure we allocate proper funding towards addressing the crime rate. Making sure we have enough officers on the streets to address all the high crime areas in the district Also bridging the gap and the communication level between the citizens, and NPO’s and all officers who patrol the areas of the district.

District Wide Public Transportation:

My vision for district wide public transportation includes continuing to build a great working relationship and partnership with our city public transit system Trinity Metro. Also advocating the importance of ridership with the residents to try to increase and try to push for it. Also making sure all areas of the district gets the Trinity Metro rideshare services Trinity Metro On-Demand, to eliminate any residents disparities.

District Wide Capital Infrastructure:

My vision for district wide capital infrastructure is to allocate funding towards infrastructure, for all areas of the districts. Also have short term solutions for all concerns with it comes road pavement upgrades, street lights, bridges,sewage systems, etc. Also our current [PayGo] financing funding is properly used in our district. Also our long term solutions are being met through the future bond elections, and also when it comes to all our TIFs districts.

District Wide Community Initiatives:

My vision for district wide community initiatives includes to allocate proper funding towards district 5 community programs, and current city funded programs that will benefit all areas of the district. Also create other different community initiatives that will aim to improve the entire community of district 5, by addressing all the needs of the residents.

District Wide Revitalization:

My vision for district wide revitalization for district 5 includes making sure the city Neighborhood Improvement Program(NIP) is actually benefiting the entire district, and just one area of the district. Also making sure any current capital projects are moving forward, without any delays for the projects. Also make sure the district has a strong economic development strategic plan, to attract the right potential developer and investor to leverage resources for our district. Also to create equitable opportunities for quality of life across the entire district 5 area!

Campaign Contribution

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for the bright future

why choose kenneth ?

Kenneth Bowens Jr. has been dedicated to public service since middle school, attending city council meetings and actively engaging in community issues. His lifelong commitment to District 5 ensures he understands the needs of its residents.

Community Commenter

Kenneth Bowens Jr. has been actively engaged in public affairs since the seventh grade, attending city council meetings and advocating for his community. With a deep understanding of local governance, he provides insightful analysis on city policies, infrastructure, and public safety, ensuring residents are informed about decisions that impact them.

Community Advocate

As a dedicated community advocate, Kenneth has worked tirelessly to eliminate red tape and push for real equity and inclusion. From serving on advisory boards to leading initiatives for public safety and revitalization, he is committed to ensuring every resident in District 5 has a voice at City Hall.

Community Affairs

Kenneth’s leadership extends beyond politics—he actively collaborates with city officials, businesses, and organizations to implement effective solutions for transportation, infrastructure, and economic development. His vision focuses on bridging gaps between the community and decision-makers to foster a stronger, more united District 5.